Friday, November 11, 2011

Obama's Economy continuing to take it's toll

By: Cheyenne

Shalom Everyone,
I was at Walmart 1 to 2 hours ago, and was getting one of those ear warmer head band like things. This elderly lady was also there. She starts talking to me and says she is trying to pick out Christmas presents for her children, son-in law and daughter-in law, and her grandchildren. She said what she can afford for one of her daughters who is living in Oregon, her daughter probably already has or wouldn't like. Then she said her son that has children is requesting she get expensive gifts even though he knows she can't afford them. This angered me further. I tried to help her pick out something for the daughter she referred to, but she said her daughter probably already had that item. I asked if there was a specific color her daughter liked, but it seems nothing would work for this daughter of her's. I realize this could have just been her trying to get money, but I felt I should have helped. I felt really bad after finding out I still had some extra cash and I hadn't known it at the time. I also saw one of those Salvation Army things, but again I didn't realize I had extra cash. I hadn't counted how much money I had left, and didn't want to over spend, because I don't get a big allowance. I don't expect a big one either. Also, I'm not posting this to get attention, just to remind all of y'all that it is getting colder so help out when you see someone in need or one of those Salvation Army things, etc. Maybe go through your closet and donate some of your old winter clothes. I'm going to start setting extra money aside from each thing of allowance I get. That way when I see something like that I can also help as part of my duty as a Bot(Daughter) of YHWH. Continue to Bless other's and Blessings to y'all,

P.S. Yes I know Christmas is wrong and Pagan, but I still felt bad for that woman knowing what she was going through. My Dad and I have to deal with the same things (Note: I'm not asking for charity, praise, or pity!). We have an online ministry, which includes a prison ministry, but we can't afford to get to a jail or prison to hand out the Bibles we have because of gas prices. I just ask that y'all remember those that are suffering and help when and where y'all can.

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